Elena A. Ivanova
St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University |
Edition of the works of P. A. Zhilin
Study guides, published by the St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
Scientific articles, previously unpublished or published in a relatively inaccessible editions
Articles about P. A. Zhilin
- Altenbach H., Indeitsev D., Ivanova E., Krivtsov A. Pavel Andreevich Zhilin
(1942 2005). Foreword. ZAMM. Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 87 (2007) N 2. P. 79-80. (76 Kb)
- Ivanova E.A., Indeitsev D.A., Krivtsov A.M. About Pavel Andreevich Zhilin (1942-2005). //
Bulletin of the Perm University. Series: Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics. 2008. N 4. P. 204-206. (In Russian) (244 Kb)
- Indeitsev D.A., Ivanova E.A., Krivtsov A.M., Zhilina N.A. Brief biography of P.A.Zhilin. //
Bulletin of the Perm University. Series: Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics. 2008. N 4. P. 207-208. (In Russian) (144 Kb)
- Altenbach H., Eremeyev V.A., Indeitsev D.A., Ivanova E.A., Krivtsov A.M. On the Contributions of Pavel Andreevich Zhilin to Mechanics. Technische Mechanik.
2009. Band 29. Heft 2. S. 115-134. (863 Kb)
Web-site, dedicated to P. A. Zhilin
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